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来源:  发布日期:2011-2-14 14:59:21  浏览次数:0 次

<b>特 稿 </b>
二氧化钛可见光催化技术在水处理方面的应用 汪小雄 (1)
溶胶凝胶法制备的Mn, Li共掺ZnO粉晶性能研究 王古平,李志刚,邵先亦,等(4)
金属-有机配合物的设计合成及其应用前景 许玉敏,胡拖平,胡晓琴 (8)
粗老茶叶有效成分复合提取纯化技术研究进展 张 利,罗容珍,易学文,等 (10)
查尔酮及其衍生物非均相合成用催化剂的研究进展 王建国,伍 林,罗艳萍,等 (13)
聚乙烯醇(PVA)/纳米TiO2杂化膜的研究与应用 李慧敏,郝喜海,邓新辉,等 (17)
超高分子量聚乙烯研究进展及应用领域 李艳芹,朱博超,黄安平,等 (19)
燃料电池技术发展及应用前景分析 王译伟,刘 源,郭建敏,等 (22)
聚L-谷氨酸及其衍生物合成及应用的研究进展 魏士倩,张志明,韩利华 (24)
坡缕石改性及其应用的研究进展 薛 斌,李 玲 (27)
直接碳燃料电池工艺设计研究进展 张秀萍,刘晓娟,刘 磊,等 (29)
FCC汽油脱硫技术新进展 陈宗杰,王 泽,张先茂,等 (33)
干法同时脱硫脱硝工艺探讨 刘正强,朱武华 (36)
酚醛纤维的研究进展及应用 柳春艳,吕 华,吕 虎,等 (40)
静电纺丝技术的应用及其发展前景 邵 浩,张学斌,刘莎莎,等 (42)
氨气来源及氨气传感器应用 姚善卓,张玲玲,李友杰 (44)
溶剂型丙烯酸酯类压敏胶的研究进展 何 俊 (47)
无废水工艺合成甲醚化三聚氰胺树脂 余晓红,郑绍成,汪小奥,等 (50)
纳米SiO2/TiO2光催化降解空气中甲醛的研究 陈锦芳,唐松超,林锦美 (53)
7-羟基黄酮的微波合成研究 吴永兰,李广利,文耀智,等 (57)
花形氧化锌光催化剂的制备 许 峰,王利凤,马健岩,等 (59)
宁明膨润土制备有机包膜复合粘结剂中试研究 舒明勇,刘光辉,尹海英 (61)
光催化法合成阳离子聚丙烯酰胺的研究 汤俊梅,程 炜 (66)
超声-重量法测定不同土壤粒级石油回收率研究 温传忠,王绪远 (70)
聚氨酯改性热塑性淀粉结构与性能的研究 魏 铭,黄 艳,伍强贤,等 (74)
胡椒油的超临界CO2萃取及其GC-MS分析 梁忠城,童汉清 (77)
SBS改性沥青的基本性能的实验研究 付 蕾,陈立贵,袁新强 (80)
摩擦材料用耐高温酚醛树脂的合成 张 峰,吕 虎,刘常玉 (83)
杯芳烃BEHBCalixC6萃取低浓度Cs+研究 方祥洪,张 东,但贵萍,等 (85)
低比例甲醇汽油的蒸发性研究 王明清,胡玉斌 (87)
甲钴胺溶解度的测定和关联 梁宝臣,杨 瑞,陈 慧,等 (89)
气相色谱法测定苯基三氯硅烷的改进 周 密,许晓光,李宗群 (91)
原子吸收定量方法中稀释法定量条件的探讨 陈杰山 (93)
容量法测定高含量金样品的研究 魏永春,李 冲,王延金 (97)
纳米Fe0为铁源的Electro-Fenton对甲基橙废水的脱色 舒振华 (99)
低温多效海水淡化设备的化学清洗 张瑞祥,刘慧娟,滕维忠 (103)
浅析硫磺装置尾气换热器内漏原因及对策 郝东来,刘文君,韩进林,等 (105)
如何改善加热炉的操作以实现节能增效 汪鹏飞 (109)
灰水系统常见问题及优化措施 王小玲,李宏武 (111)
压缩式热泵精馏中的工质选择 朱 平 (113)
柴达木盆地乌南油田N12储层酸敏实验分析 张震涛 (115)
IGCC发电系统中煤气化技术的选择 贺国章,魏江红,宋利强,等 (119)
双脱单元CO2再吸收塔出口气液夹带现象的治理 魏 顺 (122)
对二甲苯装置吸附异构单元探讨 董 晨 (124)
合成氨厂硫回收高级烧嘴控制 姚传辉 (127)
增加丙烯产量的新技术措施 沈大建 (129)
优化空气量在尿素装置中的应用 杨 雪 (132)
<b> 教学园地 </b>
地方院校生物工程专业复合型人才培养体系浅析 刘石泉,赵运林,雷存喜(133)
过程装备与控制工程专业实践教学改革 戴静君,刘 录,孟 波,等 (136)
依托优势专业改革化学专业人才培养模式 杨 君,刘 捷 (139)
语码转换在无机与分析化学双语教学中的应用探讨 张丽影,赵晓菁,华瑞年,等(141)
有机化学互动式教学法的探索和体会 李翠金,蒋旭红,宋光泉,等 (142)
数字化教学资源在高校教学中的应用现状与分析 赵艳茹,韩培林,向天成 (144)
化学史知识在无机化学教学中的运用与思考 董 斌,吕仁庆,曹作刚 (147)
浅探《精细化工产品处理技术》的课程改革 马金花,赵昊昱 (149)
探讨制药工程专业药物分析课程教学 覃 亮,路 宽 (151)
在有机化学课堂教学中提高大学生的综合素质 杨润亚 (152)
工科普通化学教学改革探讨 刘 利,姚思童,张 进,等 (154)
《普通化学》课堂教学方法的探索与实践 谭义秋 (157)
高职《化学实验技术》课程的开发研究 刘巧云,秦海芳,王 乾 (159)
关于环境工程方向毕业选题的思考 杨 爽,张艳维,郭常颖 (161)
高职染整化工课程教学改革初探 郑志荣,吴建华,张 鹏 (163)
油库发油系统误差及相关因素的研究 虞丹萍,唐新胜,范海峰,等 (164)
可燃气体报警器在油库中的使用现状及其研究 范 琪,范海峰,竺振宇 (168)
浅谈高校食品实验室的标准化管理 董 基 (170)

Application of TiO2 Photocatalysis in Water Treatment
WANG Xiao-xiong
Study on Properties of (Mn, Li)-codoped ZnO Powder Crystals Prepared by Sol-gel
WANG Gu-ping, LI Zhi-gang, SHAO Xian-yi, et al.
Design and Synthesis of Metal Organic Frameworks and the Application Perspectives
XU Yu-min, HU Tuo-ping, HU Xiao-qin
Research Progress on Extraction and Purification Technology of the Active Ingredients from Rough Old Tea Leaves
ZHANG Li, LUO Rong-zhen, YI Xue-wen, et al.
Research Progress on the Catalysts for Heterogeneous Synthesis of Chalcone and its Derivatives
WANG Jian-guo, WU Lin, LUO Yan-ping, et al.
Research and Application of Polyvinyl Alcohol(PVA)/nano TiO2
LI Hui-min, HAO Xi-hai, DENG Xin-hui, et al.
Research Progress and Application of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene
LI Yan-qin, ZHU Bo-chao, HUANG An-ping, et al.
Analysis of Technique Application and Development Prospects of Fuel Cells
WANG Yi-wei, LIU Yuan, GUO Jian-min, et al.
Research on Compound and Application of the Poly L-glutamic Acid and its Derivatives
WEI Shi-qian, ZHANG Zhi-ming, HAN Li-hua
Research Progress on the Modification of Paligorskite and its Development
XUE Bin, LI Ling
Research Progress on the Technology Design of Direct Carbon Fuel Cell
ZHANG Xiu-ping, LIU Xiao-juan, LIU Lei, et al.
New Advances in FCC Gasoline Desulfurization Technologies
CHEN Zong-jie, WANG Ze, ZHANG Xian-mao, et al.
Research on Simultaneous Desulfurization and Denitrification Technologies
LIU Zheng-qiang, ZHU Wu-hua
Research Progress and Application of Phenolic Fiber
LIU Chun-yan, LV Hua, LV Hu, et al.
Application and Prospect of Electrospinning Technique
SHAO Hao, ZHANG Xue-bing, LIU Sha-sha, et al.
The Source of Ammonia and Application of Ammonia Sensors
YAO Shan-zhuo, ZHANG Ling-ling, LI You-jie
Research Progress on Solvent Acrylate Pressure Sensitive Adhesive(PSA)
HE Jun
Synthesis of Ether Melamine Resin by No Waste Water Process……
YU Xiao-hong, ZHENG Shao-cheng, WANG Xiao-ao, et al.
Study on Photocatalytic Degradation of Formaldehyde Using Nano-meter SiO2/TiO2 Composite Catalyst
CHEN Jin-fang, TAN Song-chao, LIN Jin-mei
Study on the Synthesis of 7-Hydroxylflavone under Microwave Irradiation
WU Yong-lan, LI Guang-li, WEN Yao-zhi, et al.
Synthesis of Flower-like ZnO Photocatalyst
XU Feng, WANG Li-feng, MA Jian-yan, et al.
Pilot Study on Synthesis of Organic Coating Composite by Ningming Bentonite Binder
SHU Ming-yong, LIU Guang-hui, YIN Hai-ying
Research on Photocatalytic Synthesis of Cation-polyacrylamide
TANG Jun-mei, CHENG Wei
Research on the Extractive Ratio of Oil in Different Diameter Soil Mensurated by Measure of Ultrasonic and Weight
WEN Chuan-zhong, WANG Xu-yuan
Study on the Structure and Properties of Thermoplastic Starch Modified with Polyurethane
WEI Ming, HUANG Yan, WU Qiang-xian, et al.
The Pepper Oil of SFE-CO2 and its GC-MS Analysis
LIANG Zhong-cheng, TONG Han-qing
Fundamental Performance of SBS Modified Asphalt
FU Lei, CHEN Li-gui, YUAN Xin-qiang
Synthesis of High-temperature-resistance of Phenolic Resin for Friction Material
ZHANG Feng, LV Hu, LIU Chang-yu
Study on Extraction Low Concentration of Cs+ by Calixarenes BEHBCalixC6
Fang Xiang-hong, Zhang Dong, Dan Gui-ping, et al.
Research of Evaporation on Methanol-gasoline at Low Proportion
WANG Ming-qing, HU Yu-bin
Investigation and Correlation of Solubility of Methylcobalamin in Different Solvents
LIANG Bao-chen, YANG Rui, CHEN Hui, et al.
Inproved the Capillary Chromatography for Phenylchlorosilane
Zhou Mi, Xu Xiao-guang, Li Zong-qun
Study on the Quantitative Conditions of Dilution Process in Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
CHEN Jie-shan
Sutdy on Determination of Gold Concentration by Volumetric Analysis
WEI Yong-chun, LI Chong, WAN Yan-jin
Decoloration of Methyl Orange Wastewater by Electro-Fenton Process with Nano Fe0 as an Iron Source
SHU Zhen-hua
Chemical Cleaning for Low Temperature Multi-effect Desalination Facility
ZHANG Rui-xiang, LIU Hui-juan, TENG Wei-zhong
Analysis of the Reason and Proposing Countermeasures of the Tail Gas Heat Exchanger Internal Leakage of the Sulfur Recovery Unit
HAO Dong-lai, LIU Wen-jun, HAN Jin-lin, et al.
Discussion on the Improvement for the Operation of Furnace to be Energy Efficiency
WANG Peng-fei
Familiar Questions and Optimized Mensures of Ash Water System
WANG Xiao-ling, LI Hong-wu
Selection of Work Substance in the Compression Heat Pump Distillation
ZHU Ping
Analysis of the Acid Sensitivity of the Wunan Oilfield N12 Reservoir in Qaidam Basin
ZHANG Zhen-tao
Options of Coal Gasification Technology in Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle
HE Guo-zhang, WEI Jiang-hong, SONG Li-qiang, et al.
Treatment of CO2 Re-absorber outlet Liquid Entrainment by Lurqi Rectisol Device
WEI Shun
Xylene Isomerization Unit of Adsorbent in the Paraxylene Unit
Sulfur Recovery of Synthetic Ammonia Plant Advanced Burner Control
YAO Chuan-hui
New Technical Measurements of Increase Propylene Production
SHENG Da-jiang
Application of Air Quantity Optimization in Urea Plant
Preliminary Study on the Cultivation of Versatile Talents of Bio-engineering Major for Local Universities
LIU Shi-quan, ZHAO Yun-lin, LEI Cun-xi
The Speciality Reformation and Teaching Practice of Process Equipment and Control Engineering
DAI Jing-jun, LIU Lu, MENG Bo, et al.
The Engineering College Training Mode Reform of Chemistry
The Application of Code Switching in Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry Bilingual Teaching
ZHANG Li-ying, ZHAO Xiao-jing, HUA Rui-nian, et al.
Initial Study on the Interactive Teaching Mode on Organic Chemistry
LI Cui-jin, JIANG Xu-hong, SONG Guang-quan, et al.
Applications and Analysis of Digital Teaching Resources in Higher Education
ZHAO Yan-ru, HAN Pei-lin, XIANG Tian-cheng
Operation and Thought of Chemistry History Knowledge in Inorganic Chemistry Teaching
DONG Bin, LV Ren-qing, CAO Zuo-gang
The Brief Discussion of Course Reforming of The Treatment Technology of Fine Chemicals
MA Jin-hua, ZHAO Hao-yu
Discussion on the Teaching of Pharmaceutical Analysis Course of Pharmaceutical Engineering Specialty
QIN Liang, LU Kuan
Improving Students’ Comprehensive Quality in the Teaching of Organic Chemistry Class
YANG Run-ya
Discussion of Engineering General Chemistry Teaching Reform
LIU Li, YAO Si-tong, ZHANG Jin, et al.
Exploration and Practice of the Class Teaching in General Chemistry
TAN Yi-qiu
Study on Course Development of Chemical Experimental Technique
LIU Qiao-Yun, QIN Hai-Fang, WANG Qian
Thought of Selected Subjects of Environmental Engineering for Graduate Students
YANG Shuang, ZHANG Yan-wei, GUO Chang-ying
Research on the Teaching Reform of Vocational Dyeing and Finishing Chemicals Courses
ZHENG Zhi-rong, WU Jian-hua, ZHANG Peng
Study on Errors and Relevant Factors of Oil Feeding System in Oil Depot
YU Dan-ping, TANG Xin-sheng, FAN Hai-feng, et al.
Study and Use Status of Inflammable Gas Alarm in Oil Depot
FAN Qi, FAN Hai-feng, ZHU Zhen-yu
Discussion on the Standardized Management of University Food Laboratory

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